Vacuum packaging machines
Amerik Tools offers a wide variety of vacuum packaging and sealing machines that easily adapts to all types of companies. Starting from small or home-based businesses to more industrialized.
We recommend our exclusive lines to increase the production, sales and give your clients the best quality possible.
We count with
3 vacuum packaging machines

Making it perfect for a small family business or if you need to pack your breakfast, snacks or store the leftovers. This model is all you need, it will fully satisfy your needs.

Amerik Tools PROPACK vacuum packaging machines are ideal for small businesses with high-demanded productions. The equipment is manufactured with special technology, stainless steel, safe, modern, aesthetic, long lasting and heavy duty design. Here you can see the exclusive PROPACK models.

If your business has a high product demand, you want to keep growing as a company and become a market leader. Amerik Tools´s ULTRAPACK 600 is all you need to achieve your goals. Since it will help you increase your production, get more clients and give the quality service they aim for.
We also

If you want to get a perfect seal for your vacuum packaging bags, Amerik Tools is the best option. We’re experts at manufacturing industrial sealers, which are ideal for your small, medium or large business.
- El alimento envasado al vacío, al estar aislado de agentes contaminantes externos, se almacena en las mejores condiciones de higiene.
- El porcionado regular permite racionalizar el almacenamiento, reduciendo desperdicios.
- Control preciso de costes.
- El envasado al vacío permite un porcionado regular de las raciones, lo cual se traduce en un control de costes preciso.
- Máxima rentabilidad de las horas de trabajo.
- El envasado al vacío, al permitir realizar el trabajo con antelación, permite una mejor organización de la jornada y obtener la máxima rentabilidad de las horas del personal.
- Repercute en la calidad del trabajo, reduciendo las mermas y mejorando el resultado final del trabajo desempeñado.
¿Deseas una empacadora al vacío, pero... no sabes cómo seleccionarla?
En este vídeo podrás aprender sobre el tema